
Sunday, August 19, 2012

Taste of Summer Blog Hop - CWC/PCW

Miss you – CHERRY much!

Open your mouth and taste, open your eyes and see – how good God is.
Blessed are you who run to him.
Psalm 34: 8

Hello and Welcome to our August ‘Taste of Summer Blog Hop’ in connection with  and  !  I’m glad you are visiting me today – and hopefully, you’ve arrived from Becky’s blog, Scrap Circus, if you’re going in order.  You can start from the beginning at Melin’s blog, CookingWith Cricut and then follow on through ALL of the creative ideas that our Design Team has come up with for you this weekend!

This hop is all about our favorite "flavors" of summer. Our projects were to include any type of food or drink that is a summertime favorite for us, our family or the recipient of our project.  Mine is for all three aspects -

What could say Summer better than a picnic basket filled with a favorite family treat?  In thinking about what to do, I decided that my most favorite summer treat was the Michigan Cherry Pies that I’d made for years for family back when we grew up and lived in MI.  I learned to make pies from Daddy who learned to make them on the C & O Railroad many years ago.  Since I live far away from my Grandchildren at this time and I can’t bake one for them, I thought that I’d make a ‘virtual’ pie, of sorts, in Easel-card form and I’ll mail it to them!  * smile *

I used a CWC file for the basis of the card – the Basket from the Basket and Flowers’ file.  I am such a ‘repurposer’ that it may be funny to some of you…  Two weeks ago, I used bits of a ‘vegetable mesh bag’ on my project.  This week, I used the kraft-colored lining paper, which is left on the ‘used spindle’ of my AGT gun!!  When I replaced it a few weeks ago, I kept it with the thought that there just might be something I could do with it – and here it is!!  I cut strips of it and weaved them together to make the basket look at bit more ‘realistic.’  I then used Mod Podge to adhere the pieces to the cardstock piece and give it a nice 'finish.' 

I cut a second piece of cardstock, omitting the center hole, and putting inked ‘clouds’ in that space, and then adhered it to the backside of the basket.  Before I adhered that, I added a bit of red and white checked paper, pleated, to look like a bit of tablecloth peeking out from the basket.

I used another CWC file to make a Cherry Tree – the tree from the ‘Partridge and a Pear Tree’ file.  I ink-colored the leaves and then added red gems.  I put a coat of Mod Podge on it also, to strengthen it and preserve and keep the gems from falling off, before I adhered it to the basket.  I printed the sentiment in WORD, cut it to be a banner, inked the edges and adhered it with Pop-Dots for added dimension.

I searched Online for a quote or poem to include and came up with ‘Cherry Time’ by Robert Graves.  I printed this on cardstock and made a little tri-fold booklet for inside the card.  I’ll include the poem at the end of this post.

I used the ‘Pies’ CWC file to ‘bake’ a Cherry Pie for the Prop inside the card.  I lightly inked the edges of the crusts for that fresh-baked look.  I filled the woven top crust with red gems of various sizes.  Although I always bake my pies in 10” glass pie dishes, I cut this pie pan from silver, to look like a tin pie pan.  It is raised up with large Pop-Dot-type adhesives.  MMMmmmm...  I can almost taste my 'famous' Cherry Pies!!  

Yes, it took longer to design and assemble this card than I’d originally thought, but I’m pleased with the result and I hope my Daughter and Grandchildren like it, too.

Thanks for stopping by my blog today!  I know that Melin and several others have GOODIES offered on their blogs and I’d like to offer FOUR of my Cards to one lucky Commenter today!  I’ll choose someone at random from those who visit and leave a comment -  ;-}  -  So please be sure to leave a way for me to get in touch with you should you win.  I’ll offer your choice of color (we’ll discuss) for FOUR cards using this CWC file:  Decorative Plate Label Cutting File

Now – head on over to Court’s blog, Court’s Craft Corner, and then on to the others.  Have a great day and week ahead!  Let me know if you have questions about anything!  Blessings!

Here's the Poem I included in this card:

       CHERRY TIME                                                                        
      by Robert Graves from
         Fairies and Fusiliers

Cherries of the night are riper
Than the cherries pluckt at noon
Gather to your fairy piper
When he pipes his magic tune:
Merry, merry,
Take a cherry;
Mine are sounder,
Mine are rounder,
Mine are sweeter
For the eater
Under the moon.
And you’ll be fairies soon.

In the cherry pluckt at night,
With the dew of summer swelling,
There’s a juice of pure delight,
Cool, dark, sweet, divinely smelling.
Merry, merry,
Take a cherry;
Mine are sounder,
Mine are rounder,
Mine are sweeter
For the eater
In the moonlight.
And you’ll be fairies quite.

When I sound the fairy call,
Gather here in silent meeting,
Chin to knee on the orchard wall,
Cooled with dew and cherries eating.
Merry, merry,
Take a cherry;
Mine are sounder,
Mine are rounder,
Mine are sweeter.
For the eater
When the dews fall.
And you’ll be fairies all.


  1. Ka boomb!!!! That is my jaw dropping on the floor girl!!!! Oh my goodness!!!! How stinkin' clever to use the leftover of your atg adhesive.....Now you hear the rustle of paper and plastic as I am digging through the trash for mine!!!! What an amazingly clever Idea!!! I love this card! Thank you for the inspiration!

  2. Wow, so much detail! This is just beautiful, Lynden!

  3. Amazingly detailed easel card! I'm sure your family will love it. Thank you for including the poem.


  4. Oh how lovely this basket card is. You have so many details. I love the way it is an easel card. And the way you used the gems for the cherries in the pie is just so perfect!!


  5. Oh, this is just delightful. What a great way to share a precious memory. Love the basket and the way the pie makes the pedestal.

  6. I absolutely ADORE your cherry pie Basket card. It displays outstanding creativity, as well as re-purposing!
    The Cherry Pie poem is excellent, too.
    Know your daughter and grandchildren will treasure receiving it!

  7. ooops! to reeach Gramjak: kastenc at sbcglobal dot net

  8. WOW, is all I can say so elegant! Its so pretty, I love everything about it! Nice Poem!

  9. This is really cool!!! So impressed

  10. this is not a card. this is a real scene of a cherry pie picnic and i am loving it. it all looks so real and oh so yummy. i am certain your grand babies are going to love it, they may come and visit for a real piece.

    craftingwithblue @

  11. This is amazing! I love its originality!

    youngnos27 at yahoo dot com

  12. I love how you have used so many of the lovely Melin's files in this card. It is gorgoues and I am sure your daughter and grandchildren will love it!.

  13. Wow, I love all the detail in you awesome easel card.

    marg0006 at verizon dot net

  14. Lynn C. ( 20, 2012 at 10:55 PM

    You are a very talented card maker. Love this card.
    Thanks for sharing and giving me on opportunity to win
    some cards.


Thank You for taking time to come visit and comment! I love hearing from my reader Friends! ;-}