
Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Hispanic Heritage Month Projects

Your statutes are my HERITAGE forever; they are the joy of my life.
Psalm 119:111

Welcome to this week’s CWC/PCW Challenge!  This week’s topic is Hispanic Heritage Month.  When I heard this, I knew I wanted to make a gift and card for a Dear Former Student of mine!  We’d lost contact after she had graduated and we each moved far from where we’d been.  She found me on FB this past year and it’s been Great to be in contact again – even though we still live far apart.

For some inspiration on this topic, I ‘Google Imaged’ the term and decided to use this image as the basis for my card design.  The brightly colored costumes became the bright flowers!

I used the PCW Floral Circle Lace .svg file to cut the olive green cardstock base for the flowers.  This is the first step in the creation of the card.  I then made a ‘shadow’ of the outline for the background and cut it out of black cardstock.


Using the cut design, I created flowers sized just to fill in the matching solid parts of the ‘lace.’   I used the 5-point and scalloped flowers from the PCW Birdcage and Flowers Set .svg files.   I also used a Marvy Uchida ‘daisy petal' punch for the daisy-type flowers.  I used various pearl and gem ‘embellies’ for the flower centers and to ‘create’ flowers for the remaining lacy cuts.  I ink-smudged the edges of the card with Olive Green Ink and then a tad of Black.  (Shhh!  I'll tell you a secret...  I didn't realize until after I'd taken the photos that I'd missed the spot for one gem.  ;-[  So... I found one in my Digital Files, attached it 'virtually' on the photos  - then attached a 'real' gem on the actual card!  ;-}  Ta - Dahhh!)   Can you find it?

I stamped the sentiment on cardstock, then ‘painted’ the flowers with a small brush and red inkpad ink.  I filled in the petals with Glossy Accents and added gems for the centers.

I also did some ‘makeover-magic’ to create a gift for my Friend by turning a lowly, plain (Dollar Store) mini-clipboard and flowers into a sunny ‘Note to Self’ Memo Pad holder!    I used the PCW Scalloped Frame .svg file, altering the top slightly so it wasn’t hidden by the mini-pad…  I attached the cut file, gems and then covered the whole clipboard with Mod Podge – to protect and preserve it while in use.

Before and After

The mini pads come in several colors,  I purchased several  clipboards and I look forward to making a rainbow of these for quick gifts.

Be sure to make something in honor of Hispanic Heritage and link it up over at CWC/PCW – We’d love to see YOUR creations!
Remember that we have a Taste of Summer Blog Hop this weekend, August 18 and 19, so please plan to attend!!   Join us for fun, ‘tasty’ creative ideas and, of course, some Special Gifts!  ;-}

This hop is all about our favorite "flavors" of summer. Projects should include any type of food or drink that is a summertime favorite for you, your family or the recipient of your project.


  1. I love the idea of the clipboards. I've used some of these paper pads and never thought to do this with them. I especially like the "note to self."

  2. Beautifully Made! Love the vibrant colors. TFS

  3. These came out so beautifully! Love the colors and patterns you made, truly creative.

    Thanks for looking for my blog despite the mistake I made in linking up on Five-Minute Fridays. Thanks for the follow too :)

  4. Dear Lynden

    Thanks so much for joining me at Create With Joy! I have had a chance to explore your beautiful blog and I LOVE your creativity and your projects!

    I look forward to getting to getting to know you and I hope you'll share your creativity with us at Inspire Me Monday, Wordless Wednesday, and Friendship Friday!

    Create With Joy


Thank You for taking time to come visit and comment! I love hearing from my reader Friends! ;-}