
Thursday, August 29, 2013

My Tears in Your Bottle - Psalm 56:8

You keep track of all my sorrows.
    You have collected all my tears in your bottle.
    You have recorded each one in your book.
Psalm 56 : 8   (NLT version)

Hello!  How is YOUR summer going?  Summer brings lots of changes for many people and there are changes in the schedule on, so I’ll be posting with other Design Team members once a week – either on a Wednesday or a Thursday – through the next couple of months.  Melin has been working hard and has come up with Many new files for us to showcase for you.  I hope you’ll see what I come up with each week!

This week I chose to do ‘my take’ on the numerous examples of Repurposed Bottles that are frequently seen on Pinterest and Online.  I was quite taken by a black Olive Oil bottle that I recently emptied and I decided to decorate it in keeping with a verse I have quoted often recently and which is quite relevant to my life at this time.

I used the 'WaterBottle Treat Holders cf’ and the 'Blue–White Flowers ds’ (which I printed in grayscale) from  to make a pouch to hold the verse Tag.  I made ‘lace trim’ from Bible pages and ribbon.  I attached clear ‘teardrop’ shapes with Glossy Accents.

Here are the files I used –


Thanks for visiting today!  I hope you not only enjoyed it, but perhaps learned something…  I love to teach and share what I have learned and experienced.  Come again soon!  Enjoy YOUR summer!  ;-}

Here is my Facebook Page and I’d love it if you’d LIKE me there -   Just think about it…  ;-}

Check out my Tabs in the Header above to see what else I do and can do for you!  Let me know if you have questions on anything here – or if I can do anything for You!  Have a Great Week!  See you again soon!

B’ Bye!  -  Bye!  -  B’Bye!  -  Bye!
(You can take the Gal out of the Sky, but You can’t take the Sky out of the Gal!)  ;-}

1 comment:

  1. Beautifully decorated and designed! I just love the sentiment, and the little pouch in the front! :)


Thank You for taking time to come visit and comment! I love hearing from my reader Friends! ;-}