
Sunday, February 17, 2013

'Thank You SNOW Much!' Card

We always thank God for all of you
 and continually mention you in our prayers.
1 Thessalonians 1 : 2

There is always much for which to be thankful, even in the darkest of one’s days.  We are taught that a heart of gratitude makes everything in our lives better!  The people who come into our lives and offer what they can, as indications of their love for us, are considered Precious.  I was fortunate at the Holidays to have received some of these Love Gifts from Special People and I made Thank You Cards to send to them.

Having grown up in Michigan – and then having lived in Ohio, Illinois, Wyoming and then back to Michigan for a number of years before coming here to California – I know a LOT about Snow and how very much of it there can be!  I made these cards, offering the ‘depths of my appreciation’ as compared to the piles of snow that I have shoveled in my life!

*  I used a Winter scene stamp – done with Silver ink stamped on white cardstock.  I punched the edges with a snowflake punch.  I scored around 3 edges of the blue card – top, left and bottom edges.

*  The white stamped card front flap lifts to reveal the message, “Thank You Snow Much!”  The letters ‘o’ are punched snowflakes.

*  The blue front flap lifts to reveal the other side of the white cardstock – ready to write a personal message of Thanks inside!

I was taught at an early age to always write Thank You Notes for gifts given to and kindnesses done for me.  I taught my children that habit, also.  Do You and your family offer Thanks in this way?


  1. Hi! I found you, too, through (in)design and through your comments on my blog. That blog is a "multipurpose" blog--anything and everything goes in it! I'm working to keep it up more this year than I have in the past. It's also the link up to Holley Gerth's God-sized Dream Team posts. I'm one of those folks, too, in addition to being one of the (in)courage leaders for the Last Chicks Out group of empty nesters! The cards are beautiful. I don't make many cards, but I do love to play with paper!


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