
Friday, November 16, 2012

Squirrel/Football Birthday Card !

…If it be so now, do this: take of the choice fruits of the land in your vessels,
 and carry down the man a present, a little balm, and a little honey,
 spicery and myrrh, NUTS, and almonds…
Genesis 43 : 11

Welcome to Digi Desserts Fridaze in connection with My Paper Crafting !    We, on the Design Team, were to create a project using a Digital File from the vast selection at for today. 

I have a Precious Grandson who is having his 8th birthday this weekend and I heard that he wanted to watch football on TV and have Pizza for his celebration with his family.  I’m not able to be there, as I live far from them, so I decided to make a card to include with his Gift Box that I sent.  It’s Autumn/Football/Nature/Young-themed and I used several files to complete it.

Here it is – An Easel Card –

I used these files –

I cut the main card from cream cardstock using the largest element of the 'Scalloped Circle Frame cf', which I welded to make a folding card, and a single section to match as the background of the front of the card.  This I inked with Copper ink on the edges – in keeping with this week’s ‘Challenge Theme.’  I folded the front section of the card at just about the halfway mark.  I cut another element section slightly smaller from dark brown cardstock and adhered it to the cream element.

I printed a Football Frame digi element that I’ve had for a long time, sizing it to fit around the ‘Squirrel ’n’ Nuts 4 You ds,’ which I had printed and cut out form cream cardstock.  I adhered the Squirrel with PopDots to raise it a bit.  I added 'googly eyes' to the squirrel.  I adhered these sections to the bottom half of the front of the card.

I wanted to tie the inside of the card to the outside with the theme.  I was running out of time to complete the card and decided to experiment with something!  For the inside sentiment/prop, I actually put the .eps file from the ‘Acorn ‘n’ Flourish cf’ into my PSE 10 program, sized it, added the sentiment and printed it on cream cardstock.  I scored it and a piece of dark brown cardstock to back it.  I adhered them together and then onto the card base with PopDots to raise it up as the prop.

Here is the FREE digi-file for this week at My Paper Crafting.  Be sure to stop over there, if you haven’t already, see all of the other creative projects, get the file, make a project of your own using a digi-file from My Paper Crafting and then link it there so we can see it, too!

NOTE:  There has been a permanent change to the name of Melin’s blog and site.  Formerly known as ‘Cooking with Cricut,’ it is now ‘My Paper Crafting.’  Everything else is the same wonderfulness  – just a name change!   ;-]

Be sure and watch for our '25 Days of Christmas' - December 1 - 25 - with LOTS of ideas for the whole year!

REMEMBER!!   The ’25 Days of Christmas’ event over at My Paper Crafting!  This will be our 3rd annual 25 Days event.   We are excited and the designers have begun to work on their creations!  It is so exciting to see the photos start rolling in.  I can’t tell you how excited I am about their creative work!

For those unfamiliar with our event, we showcase projects every day starting on December 1st (Day 1) and going each and every day through December 25th.   Every day we will be offering a FREE Die Cut file, a FREE Digital Stamp and/or graphic.   Each week we will be offering prizes to those who are our followers and leave comments.   In short, it is a spectacular event that will give you creative inspiration for the holidays AS WELL as ideas and inspiration for crafting through out the whole year!   You definitely don’t want to miss it!  Be sure to join us –

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