
Monday, September 3, 2012

Color Challenge: A Summer Rainbow!

You gave him exactly what he wanted; you didn't hold back.
You filled his arms with gifts; you gave him a right royal welcome.
 He wanted a good life; you gave it to him, and then made it a long life as a bonus. 
You lifted him high and bright as a cumulus cloud,
 then dressed him in rainbow COLORS.
You pile blessings on him; you make him glad when you smile.
Psalm 21 : 3-5

Welcome to the Cooking With Cricut/Paper Crafting WorldTuesday Challenge!  I’ve really been enjoying my participation in being on the Design Team for these several weeks and I hope you’ve enjoyed all of the creative ideas shared by the other Designers and me!

          ***Sky Blue, Navy, Turquoise Green, 
Light (Honeydew) Melon, Strawberry, Goldenrod***

To be honest, when I saw the colors for this week’s Challenge – although they are each beautiful in and of themselves – I was a bit taken aback by the intent of using them all together in one project… They are not colors I would necessarily think as ‘going together,’ yet as you can see from the Challenge photo, evidently ‘Somebody bigger than you and me’ (great song!) thought to put the colors together…   * smile *    It took quite a while to figure out what to do – then my personal design process began which includes sketching, notating and choosing papers and embellishments – then the actual creating process – and…I am actually quite pleased with my two outcomes!   I think they turned out to have a bit of a Retro/’50s look.  I rather enjoyed having an unusual color palette to work with and to do something a bit outside of my ‘color comfort zone.’

My first project is a cover/holder for a Memo Pad.  In thinking about what project to make, I looked through the many items that I pick up here and there – on Clearance usually – to have on hand for last-minute or spur-of-the-moment gifts.  I noticed this Memo Pad with red and green print and decided to design around it.  



I found a cardstock that was Sky Blue on one side and Light (Honeydew) Melon on the other!    I measured the Memo Pad, adding ¼” around 3 sides of it and ½” for the spine, which I scored and then folded.  I discovered a CWC/PCW digital file of flowers that included Strawberry and Goldenrod.  (‘Blog Hop Day 1 – Vintage Roses’)   I used the CWC/PCW ‘3d Bow n OvalFrame 2g CF’ cutting file for the frame and shadows on the front, using Navy, Turquoise Green and  Strawberry.   

Using a lacy Martha Stewart punch, I punched the edge and then pleated 2 strips of Strawberry for the top and bottom trim, finishing them with a strip of Light (Honeydew) Melon and Navy.  I concluded the front with a Turquoise Green bow.

To affix the Memo Pad to the Holder, I stapled a narrow width of cardstock to the inside back on each edge and then slid the cardboard backing of the pad down through it – See the Sky Blue strip in these photos.

My second project is a Recipe Card Holder for a package of recipe cards to give as a gift.  These were also in my ‘stash of impromptu gifts’…  

I used an 8.5 x 11 Goldenrod cardstock, scored and folded to make the Holder.  (If you are interested in the exact scoring and cutting, let me know and I’ll send you a copy of the ‘template’ I use.  I also use these for my 'sets' of A2-size cards.)   

I used the CWC/PCW ‘6 Pt Flower Spray’ for the front flap, using scraps of paper from the first project.  I added some Recollections gems.  I 'faux-stitched' around the edge with red marker.  Using my double-hole punch, I punched matching holes in the top flap and the underside of the front so that I could thread a ribbon through them and tie it as the closure.

I hope you are inspired by the projects we offer this week – that you’ll make one - then link it to CWC/PCW so we can see YOUR craftiness!  As always, if you have questions on anything I’ve posted, feel free to contact me.  Have a great paper-crafting week!  See you next week -


  1. Love both of your projects, they are GORGEOUS! looking forward to working alongside you this fall!!!

  2. Great projects - love how you have integrated all the colours!

  3. Beautiful projects!!! I am new to your blog and Must say I'm so thrilled to have found it! I would love a copy of the template you use for the recipe holder you made! It's beautiful!

    joann6274@gmail dot com


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