
Monday, September 24, 2012

Apples and Honey!

In a desert land he found him, in a barren and howling waste.
 He shielded him and cared for him; he guarded him as the apple of his eye…
Deuteronomy 32: 10

Anyone can count the seeds in an apple,
but only God can count the number of apples in a seed.
Robert H. Schuller

Hello and Welcome to our Tuesday Challenge in connection with Cooking with Cricut / Paper CraftingWorld!  Our Challenge this week was to make a project that in some way incorporated Apples and Honey, which are representative of Yom Kippur, the holiday this week that speaks of the roots of our Judeo-Christian beliefs. 

I chose to make a gift box using the ‘Apple Box’ cutting file from CWC/PCW.   I made the ‘box’ and also cut 8 Notecards to put in it and also added a few things to ‘sweeten’ the gift pack.  It’s a fun gift to give a friend as a Thank You gift this week.

 Here are the Recipe Ingredients and Directions of what I did.  I also have a poem and 2 real recipes for you this week!!  ;-}


*  1 piece of 12 x 12” Cream cardstock for the box and 2 of the Notecards.
*  1 piece of 12 x 12” Autumn-print cardstock for the front of the box and the Notecards.
*  Cardstock for the leaves
*  Gems for front of box (optional)
*  Buttons for the Bee (1 yellow, 1 Black)
*  Twine or ribbon (optional)
*  Honey Bear
*  Apple flavored caramel candy/suckers
*  Apple Cinnamon candle (optional)
*  No. 10 Envelopes
*  Washi or other decorative tape


I sized the box to fit the 12 x 12” cardstock, which also allowed for 2 apple Notecards.  I sized the Notecard apples to fit a 12 x 12” cardstock.  There was 1 apple for the front of the box, 6 Notecards and then 2 smaller apples to adhere to the cream apples.  There are a total of 8 Notecards.  They are print on the front and plain white on the back for writing.

 I discovered that the Notecards fit exactly into HALF of a No. 10 size envelope.  I cut the envelopes in HALF.  I’ve been experimenting to make my own Washi Tapes by stamping on ‘Non-irritating, gentle Medical Paper tape’ purchased at the local drug store.  (CVS, Rite-Aid, Walgreens…)  I taped the cut edge with my Washi Tape.  I stamped an Apple in the top corner of the evelopes.

I looked through all of my embellishments, sure that I’d find a Bee to use on the front of the box.  No, I did not have one, but I then thought about what I might have to MAKE a Bee…  I found a Yellow button and a tiny Black button.  I drew black stripes on the yellow button with a marking pen.  What to use for wings?...  I used my Daisy Punch to cut a flower from Vellum and then trimmed off some of the petals.  I glued it to the yellow button and added a tiny black gem.  I also added 2 tiny black gems to the holes in the tiny black button-head.  (Yes, I know that means the head is on backwards…but it was the best I could figure out how to do it – to see the ‘face’ and also the wings…  It’s just pretend!  ;-})  Then what to do for the antennae?...   I thought and thought…  Then I noticed some tiny pieces of cardstock that I saved from when I cut a black lace edge recently.  It was so delicate and pretty – and I knew I’d figure out what to use it for…someday…  I surely did!!  I cut a small piece of it, folded it in the middle and adhered it to the black button-head.  Perfect!

 I added some twine tied into a bow and the pearl gems (Recollections).

 I also planned to share a story I’d heard many years ago, as to the Star that is found when one actually cuts an apple through the middle sideways rather than lengthways, but I couldn’t find it Online.  I did find another children’s story about it, but not the one I wanted.  It is interesting to me as to how many people don’t know about the Star in the Apple!  If you don’t, cut an apple that way sometime -   ;-}

I did find this cute poem that I thought I’d share with you –

The Star Inside The Apple

There's a star inside my apple
I know it's hard to grapple
but if you cut it side to side
there's a star alone, no lie.
And in my star inside my apple
are sleepy little seeds
and in those seeds found in my star
are could-be apple trees.

Out in the ground, I'll put my seeds
and an apple tree will grow
And in that tree soon will be apples,
red or gold with stars and seeds and apple trees
for people, birds, bears and bees,
For months, for years, for centuries
And on and on it goes you see
And on and on it goes.

I discovered these 2 recipes this week while working on this and thought I’d share the links to them, in case you’d like to bake while working on your paper-crafting this next week –  They look Delicious!  I Pinned them on my Boards!  Click on photo or title to be taken to recipes.

Caramel Stuffed Apple Cider Cookies
Honey Apple Bread Pudding
Apple Box cutting file
Here is a link with lots of information on Yom Kippur, in case you’d like to learn more about it, also. 

Now – be sure to check out all of the Creative Projects at Cooking with Cricut / Paper Crafting World – Pick up this week’s FREEBIE!   

Layered Apple 918 cutting file FREEBIE
Make a project – Link it and see if you win this week!  I’ll see you on Digi Desserts Fridaze – or on Smorgasbord Saturdays, every other Saturday.  TTFN!!


  1. Lynden,
    I am just blown away with your post. The apple box is fabulous and your attention to detail is amazing. The notecards are so cute and what a great way to house the cards in the cute little box. When i saw the two photos of the copies and bread pudding, I just flipped. I have got to make them. You get the prize for sharing everything apple!!!

  2. CLEVER bee -making!! Wow, what a great project! So much included! The note cards are beautiful, the box is beautiful, the envelopes are a great idea!


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