
Monday, July 16, 2012

Let's Go to the Beach!

Send me your light and your faithful care; let them lead me…
Psalm 43: 3a

When I stay at the home of Dear Friends of mine, it’s a lovely Guest Room that awaits and envelopes me there.  It is decorated in a Nautical Theme and even has a ‘white noise machine’ that simulates waves crashing to soothe one to sleep and block out other sounds during the night.

Our sons attended the US Naval Academy (2005) and that’s how we met – at a USNA Parents Dinner in 2001.  Both of our sons went into the Marines upon graduation, and as they have moved on and around the world, Susi and I have grown together in our friendship.  We don’t get to visit often (although we do ‘burn the phone lines’ constantly), but it’s such a treat when we do!

After my last visit with them recently, I made this Thank You card for them, using one of Melin’s files.  ( -  It’s the Lighthouse file and I used it on this Lever Card.

The Lighthouse not only reminds me of my friends’ gracious hospitality and Our Boys’ days at the USNA, but also of my childhood in Michigan and our constant visits to the Holland/Ottawa Beach in the summers.  The family of my girlfriend since first grade, another Special Friend, had a cottage near there and some of the happiest days of my childhood were spent there on the beach!  I can still feel the warm sand on bare feet, the hot sun on bare skin, the refreshingly cool Lake Michigan waves lapping along the edges of the beach…  I can hear the foghorn on the Lighthouse pier, guiding boats into and through the channel… 

Ahhhhh…  I’m ‘back there’…for the moment…  (I wish I’d known that Melin was ‘that close,’ too – as we might have visited ‘ back then’…  Who knew!!??)   ;-}

This Lever Card features the Lighthouse and a quote by Dwight L. Moody – another ‘connection’ in my life from ‘back when’…

“We are told to let our light shine and if it does, we won't need to tell anybody it does.
Lighthouses don't fire cannons to call attention to their shining - they just shine.”

My Friends definitely SHINE here on earth!  (I hope to, also…)
Who has been a Shining Lighthouse in YOUR life?


The Cooking With Cricut and Paper Crafting World Design Teams are hosting a two day Blog Hop featuring two-page scrapbook layouts we've made for "Crops of Luv." Crops of Luv is a non-profit organization that creates scrapbook albums for children and families facing critical illnesses. Please join us for two fun-filled days of scrapbook fun as we share the pages we've made to help these children and families celebrate the special times they've shared.

We begin at 8:00 a.m. on Saturday, July 21st with our first set of layouts and Designers and will continue on Sunday, July 22nd at 8:00 a.m. with a second set of layouts.

You can participate too! There will be information on how you can contribute your own scrapbook layouts -- all the details will be available at There might even be some freebies and giveaways!! Stop by and check it out! And please invite your friends, too!

We would love for you to participate. You can make a two-page layout following the parameters outlined below and mail it directly to Crops of Luv c/o Roberta Baker, 11424 S. Pawnee Circle, Phoenix, AZ 85044. Since this blog hop is also a challenge, be sure to link your project to CWC/PCW.

There are very specific requirements for the layouts. You wouldn’t want all your hard work to be in vain if you create something they can’t use.

The submissions have to be double-page 12 x 12 layouts using these themes: Princesses, Pirates, Animal Kingdom, Magic Kingdom, or general Disney theme, Summer Fun (e.g. swimming), or Christmas (they have Christmas every Thursday at "Give Kids the World.") The layouts must include a journaling block or tag and mats for three 4 x 6 pictures on each page. NOTE: Crops of Luv does not want the photo mats permanently adhered to the page. That way they can flip them whichever way they need to.

If you would like more information about this organization, or would like to make a monetary or supply donation, please visit their web site,
Crops of Luv is a non-profit organization that creates scrapbook albums for children and families facing critical illnesses.

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