
Monday, July 9, 2012

Kreativ Blogger Award!

I was quite amazed to receive the ‘Kreativ Blogger Award’ recently from a Dear Blogging Buddy Galfriend of mine, Elizabeth!  (  Her kind Comments have been an encouragement to me in recent months, as I birthed and have continued to nurture and grow my creative blog and this was another lovely bit of it from her.  I understand that now I am to answer some questions about me and also offer some other tidbits of info about me…  (Not an easy task for someone as ‘private’ as I always have been, but I shall attempt to open a crack in the Me that covers the ME…   ;-} )  I am then to pass on the Award to someone else who maintains a creative blog –  That’s the Easy part -

Pour a coffee or tea, have a sit and let’s have a Chat!  You ask…I’ll answer…

10 Questions About Me – to answer –

1.  What is your favorite song?
Music is breath to me, so it’s hard to narrow it down, but Beethoven’s “Moonlight Sonata” would be at the top of the Classical list – “I Dreamed a Dream” from Les Miserables tells my life story in a nutshell – “It is Well with My Soul” would be at the top of favorite hymns…
 2.  What is your favorite dessert?
I have been told I am a great cook/baker- and I, too, love all that I make – but I think my Michigan Cherry Pie would be my ultimate favorite - and I do so miss those Michigan Cherries!
  3.  What ticks you off?
Not much, actually, but most recently I would have to say that computer/cell phone issues would’ pop my cork’ – and have on occasion – as I’m here alone and have no one to help with them…  So much time is spent on these ‘time-saving’ devices...!
4.  What do you do when you’re upset?
It depends on what you mean by ‘upset’ – I have had a lifetime of several kinds of pain and I tend to be quiet about it all – cry in private – and pray – a Lot!
5.  What is your favorite pet?
I don’t necessarily care for animals, but we did have a German Shepherd for 14 years long ago, because she was a stray and my family talked me into keeping her since she was ‘nice’ and needed a good home.  Then I got Children…
6.  Do you prefer Black or White?
I prefer Black – in personal fashion.  I look good in it.  It’s often On Sale, no matter what piece one needs.  It can be ‘dressed up’ or ‘down’ – can be ‘sexy’ or ‘not. ’ It goes with my favorite color – Lavender!  Every other color goes with it.  It’s also a good design element accent.  I wear lots of White between Memorial Day and Labor Day… ;-}
7.  What is your biggest fear?
That I’ll not be able to take care of myself as I get older – I’m all I have – and God, of course…but it’s hard at this point in life to know what/how to do’ the rest of it’…
8.  What is your attitude mostly?
One of ‘guarded optimism’ – I keep on ‘picking myself up, dusting myself off, and starting all over again’* – which gets harder with each time and with the years…although I do keep trying.  (Anyone who knows that *song, will understand…!)
9.  What is perfection?
It’s something I have always striven to attain, but have never been ‘good enough’ for those I truly loved – which is why I continue to at least make ‘beauty from bits and scraps’ and add ‘An Elegant Touch…’ to all that I do.
10.  What is your guilty pleasure?
A few bites of my new favorite ice cream a few times a week – Deluxe Churned Light -Blueberry/Pomegranate/Chocolate Chunk!  Very healthy ingredients, so it must be good for me!  ;-}   Besides – It’s light Lavender!!

10 Things of Interest About Me…

1.      I am the eldest of 5 children.
2.     I grew up in the Plymouth Brethren denomination in Grand Rapids, MI.
3.      For the Graduating Senior High Class ‘Mock’ Elections – many years ago! - I was voted:  Class Stuck-up, Class ‘Walk,’ and Most Glamorous.  Go figure.  I was Shy, Very Bookish, and helping to raise my younger siblings.  OK, I could dress spectacularly even back then on hand-me-downs and hand-made-by-me clothes!  Still do!  And I just walk the way I walk… Naturally.
4.    I was a Flight Attendant for United Airlines in the ‘70s to support us while my husband (at that time) was in Seminary near Chicago.
5.     I have two long-awaited, now grown children and two precious grandchildren.  All of whom I miss immensely – daily - as we live far apart.
6.     I’ve always lived on a ‘shoe-string budget,’ but have learned to do/make/create ‘Beauty out of Ashes,’ wherever I am.
7.     I have always been an avid reader since childhood, but have discovered the wonderful world of Audiobooks in recent years, so that I can ‘create while reading,’ so to speak.
8.      ‘Victorian Antiques’ is my favorite period of home furnishings – and I have many – in storage at this time – but hope to have them again in a home someday.
9.     I recently entered an online contest so a Blogger Friend could get more entries – and although I Never Win things, I Won – a Silhouette CAMEO!!  ;-}  I’m so excited to learn about it – and add it to my Cricut-cutting abilities -
10.  I have written and wanted to write since I was very young.  I am pleased to be able to do so, privately now that I am quite alone and don’t have the daily responsibilities of a family, and more publicly for my blog and others,’ per their invitations.  I’ve waited a lifetime to do this and am really enjoying it!

Thanks for visiting!  Want another cup of…?  Stop back again soon, if I’ve not scared you off…

Now I am to pass this Award on to another deserving, creative Blogger.  I have one in mind, because she has been (another) encouraging Cyber-Friend for quite some time now.  I am also honored and excited to be currently and ‘newly’ on one of the Design Teams for her blog!   I recently learned that we grew up about 40 miles apart in MI, but now live on opposite sides of our continent!  It is my pleasure to offer this Kreativ Blogger Award to Melin Beltran of and -  Stop in and have a Coffee Chat with her sometime soon!  ;-}


  1. Oh Lynden, This is so precious and wonderful! Thank you SO MUCH for such an honor. I am not sure what I am supposed to do? Do I answer the same questions as you did in a post and then pass it on? Thank you my friend. I am truly, truly honored :)

  2. It was fun reading about you! Looking at your post from July 2 just confirms the award was justly deserved.


Thank You for taking time to come visit and comment! I love hearing from my reader Friends! ;-}