
Friday, May 25, 2012

High Tea Thankfulness -

I always thank my God for you because of his grace given you in Christ Jesus.
For in him you have been enriched in every way—
with all kinds of speech and with all knowledge—
God thus confirming our testimony about Christ among you.
I Corinthians 1:4-6

I recently posted the ‘sample cards’ I had made to use at the Make-and-Take-a-Card at our Church Women’s retreat – OASIS – last week.  I used the color-scheme of the day and made ‘Tea Bag Folding’ roses of two different types for the front of the cards.  It turned out to be a Lovely event – a day of relaxing, refreshing and rejoicing in God’s blessings.  Here is a bit of an update and some additional projects.

There were 13, of the many in total attendance, who attended my ‘free hour session’ to learn to make cards – most of whom had never crafted before…  Needless to say, we had a good time and much laughter ensued!

Tea Bag-fold

OASIS Ladies making cards -

I was also asked to make a Thank You card for the Chairwoman of the event to be presented to her at the afternoon High Tea.  I decided to make a Mini-Album Card in which she could put photos and remembrances of the day’s activities.  Here it is:

Wrapped for presentation -

Mini Album Card

Inside cover element -

Because the Committee had done such a lovely job of making it a Beautiful, Classy, Delicious and Meaningful day, I then made a personal Thank You card from me for her to share with all of them.  I made an Easel Card that can be displayed for others to see.  I also made a 1/2" deep cardstock envelope so as not to crush the flowers and butterfly on the card.

Thank You Easel Card - front

Thank You Easel Card - opened

Thank You Easel Card - side view

Cardstock envelope - open
Cardstock envelope -closed

We, as attendees, had been encouraged to bring a ‘favorite tea cup set’ to use at the High Tea served at the conclusion of the afternoon.  Unfortunately, all of my ‘precious things’ are packed and in storage at this time, so – I thought to check at a resale shop and see if I might pick up an inexpensive set to take…  I even ventured to hope to find a set with the color-scheme of the day – and my cards - knowing that was quite a far-fetched hope… Crazy, huh??!!  Newsflash!!  At our local Goodwill Store, I found the perfect lovely teacup on one shelf – and its matching saucer on another – and unbelievably, in Pink Roses with Aqua trim – and for only $ .99!!  I was actually on a walk with a Friend that day and since I didn’t have money with me – not planning to go shopping at the time - she bought it for me! A small thing, perhaps, but a definite answer to prayer and a gift from God (and her) to me!  ;-}

MY Tea cup set - Verses gift to each of us -

How has God totally color-coordinated YOUR world lately??

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