
Saturday, April 21, 2012


Whenever the rainbow appears in the clouds, I will see it

and remember the everlasting covenant between God

and all living creatures of every kind on the earth.

Genesis 9:16

There will always be rain - and often extreme storms - but God has promised us Rainbows afterward - a beautiful reward for having gone through the soggy, wet, cold, uncomfortable times.  My ‘Baby Sister’ has been going through some ‘extreme storms’ and last week, because of some long-awaited - and some other totally unexpected (!) - circumstances, she finally has a Rainbow in her stormy life!  Rainbows have always been her ‘special trademark,’ and so I decided to make a Rainbow Card for her.

I cut a Window Card and the Rainbow and Clouds with my Cricut and SCAL2 from files I’ve had for quite a while.  I ‘restructured’ the Window file a bit to suit my personal design for the card.  I found an image of a Pot online and ‘created and restructured’ it, also, in my SCAL2 program!  I get so excited when I’ve taught myself how to do things - and this I’ve done a number of times - so that I have the shapes I need.  The ‘gold’ in the pot is gems from Recollections.  I made the clouds and grass areas using paper templates I made and inked with little makeup sponges.  I embossed transparent paper for the curtains I designed and made little bow and pearl tiebacks.   I added mini-brads for the door handles.

How has God shown YOU a Rainbow at some time?

I have just linked to FaveCrafts April Blog Hop!  I'm Number 32!  Check out all of the splendid offerings on their page -


  1. God has shown me many rainbows, but sometimes I just shut my eyes and turn my head away because the rainbow doesn't look like I wanted it to.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. This is beautiful!!! I loved reading about how you achieved the details like the doorhandles. :)

  4. I think God showed me a beautiful rainbow when he put me in my blogging group this January! It's a beautiful thing, with all of us so different and yet so similar. Our individual colors show, but together we're even better.

  5. What a blessing!
    Popped over from The Gypsy Mamma.

  6. What a beautiful card. I find peace in the fact that God never changes. What He said in His Word stands. He keeps His promises. :)
    Just followed GFC, btw. :)

  7. Amazing Card. I have popped over from Linkin on the blog follow link and I am so I did. You work is fantastic. I am just heading off now to follow you.


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