
Saturday, March 31, 2012


God can testify how I long for all of you with the affection of Christ Jesus.
Philippians 1:8

I made a birthday card for a Dear Friend this week to go with a gift for her.  The Gift was a fragrance set named ‘Affection’ and the packaging was in Burgundy and Silver.  I used those colors in making a Cascade Card, the pattern of which I saw on a new-to-me blog last week.  (Laura has an excellent tutorial and measurements here - ) Here is the card I made very quickly - It was fun to work on a new-to-me shape, which can be decorated in ever so many ways.  I’d love to see Your interpretation of it!

My Friend, Patti, is also a Military Mom, as I am.  Her son is in the Army and is currently deployed to the same country as my son.  She has formed an organization,, to help and encourage - with Affection - those of us who wait at home for our Loved Ones to serve our country and then come back to us. 

While waiting, we meet twice a month to share and encourage each other as parents.  We had a Military Families Appreciation Day for the public back in the Fall and another is scheduled for the end of next September.  It’s a fun day for all ages with food, entertainment and relaxation! 

We have a Special Evening planned for any ‘local’ Military Spouses on May 11, also - an evening of Pampering and Appreciation for all they do here on the ‘homefront.’  We’ll have a wonderful catered buffet, manicures and pedicures done by Cosmetology students, makeovers from MARY KAY Consultants, a Scrapbooking ‘Make and Take’ by ‘Yours Truly’ and another Military Mom, massages, a few appropriate vendors and some Surprises.  It will be a lovely, relaxing time for all!

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Thank You for taking time to come visit and comment! I love hearing from my reader Friends! ;-}