
Saturday, February 4, 2012

To Have and To Hold -

 Above all, love each other deeply, because love covers over a multitude of sins.
1 Peter 4:8

One of my nieces is getting married this week and we as family members sent a lovely Treasure Chest {  } in which they can put their Wedding Mementos for safe-keeping.  I have also made a card for them and I’m sharing it here today.  Unfortunately, they are in a distant state so none of us can attend, but we want them to know that Our Hearts ad Love will be with them!

It’s actually quite hard to believe that the ‘next generation down’ - children, nieces and nephews - are all getting married and starting families when it seems like it was just yesterday that ‘my generation’ was doing the same…  Time passes so quickly and is truly just a vapor…

We wish the Very Best - to my niece and her new husband - and to all of those beginning ‘new lives’ together!

I enhanced the embossed hearts on a white card with VersaMagic Chalk Ink in ‘Wheat,’ using a small, sponge-tipped eye make-up applicator.    I cut the central element out of {free!} wallpaper from my enormous {free!} stash of discontinued wallpaper books with my Cricut and SCAL2.  I added Pearls and Beige Heart jewels.  The sentiment inside is by one of my favorite authors, Ann Voskamp, printed on parchment paper and ink colored to match.

1 comment:

  1. I appreciate how you gave specific instructions as to how you made this. It's beautiful.


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