
Thursday, January 19, 2012

Oil and perfume gladden the heart; so too does the sweetness of friendship comfort the soul. (Proverbs27:9)

MPTS Inspiration Team -  1/18/12

I’ve been asked to be on the Inspiration Team for January/February/March for ‘More Paper Than Shoes’ - Here is my offering for the Inspiration Team for January 2012.  We were to use Sledding as the theme with blue, white and silver as the colors.  Unfortunately, at this time I wasn’t able to find the photos of my children sledding on our backyard hill in MI when they were much younger…  ;-{    Then I remembered having (in my digi-stash) the Vintage Drawing of the two little girls sledding - a long time ago!  So- this is in honor of my (still!) Dear Friend since 1st grade…  We used to go sledding/tobogganing when we were children and I well remember the frosty times we spent together on MI winter afternoons…  She is still there enjoying the MI snow and I’m here enjoying the CA warm sunshine!

The 12x12 Layout -
Close-up of the Snowglobe -
Close-up of Journaling -

The background paper is from DCWV - Four Seasons stack (Michaels).
The ‘snow globe’ I designed myself -  Vellum circle, silver cardstock base highlighted with brown stamp ink.
The Sledding digi was free in Dec. from Paper Crafting World/Cooking with Cricut.  I changed the color to blue in PSE 8.
The frame and journaling shape is from Penny Duncan Shaplies.
The small white snowflakes and a couple of the silver ones are Martha Stewart punches.  The other silver snowflakes were cut on my Cricut (SCAL) - I don’t remember where I got them.
The jewels here and there are from Recollections (Michaels).
The silver ribbon is from Create It (Michaels).  I pleated and stitched it before attaching it with adhesive.
The ‘extra sparkly snow dots’ here and there were made with Glitter Glue and a DecoColor Liquid Silver pen (Michaels).


  1. Beautiful! I'm sure your crafty followers can appreciate all the details about your materials. Must be helpful as they try to recreate or follow along.

  2. I love vintage prints!
    Your blog necessitates the use of lots of photos, which you are great about including.


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