
Friday, January 6, 2012

Lullabies and Love Album - #5

Part 1

And again, I will put My trust in Him.
And again, Behold, I and the children whom God has given Me.
Hebrews 2:13

I (finally) recently completed this ‘First Year of Lullabies and Love’ Album 
and crocheted Baby Blanket for my new Grand-Niece!  I have been waiting to share it here until after they had received it in MI.  They received it this week…  I also included a CD with three stories - favorites I’ve read to my children/grandchildren/other children for many years - that I recorded for Breck and Adelaide…since I’m too far away to read to them at bedtime...
(I cannot get the rest of the photos to load on this page after trying for several days... ;-{ will Post these and try to get the rest on a new post...  Discouraging...sorry...)

Frontspiece -
Card I made -

Baby's First photo -

Baby's Vital Statistics -

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