
Tuesday, January 7, 2014

My Cookie Lee Jewelry Case Pillows

I’m exhausted. I cannot even speak,
my voice fading as sighs.
    Every day ends in the same place—lying in bed,
covered in tears, my PILLOW wet with sorrow.
Psalm 6:6   (the Voice version)

In looking for a verse to begin this blogpost, as I always do, I didn’t know I’d come across a verse – with the appropriate word ‘pillow’ I it – that would also be so true of my life as it is currently.  It’s not about the pillows that I’ve made and am sharing in this post…  It’s where I am in life that makes ‘my pillow wet with sorrow’ – but that’s not for sharing here.  Just an interesting observation – and how even King David had days – nights – like mine!

This is a departure from my usual Paper-crafting.  I signed up to be a Cookie Lee Jewelry Consultant this past summer.  I often borrow the Loaner Kit from my Director for my Parties until I have more of a selection of items to show and sell.  She has little pillows in the case trays to keep the jewelry from sliding in transport.  I was recently able to purchase a ‘used’ case from someone for me to use, but no pillows were included.  I asked my Director where she had purchased hers.  The woman who had made them for a while in this area has moved away and she mentioned that if anyone sewed, it would be a good ‘service’ to the local Consultants to be able to purchase them.  MY hand is raised!!  I have been sewing since I was 9 years old - back in the Paleolithic Era! - and this would be a fun, additional project to add to my repertoire of ‘things I do to survive’!  So – here is what I’ve come up with recently.  I’ll be sharing them at the 2014 Spring/Summer Launch this coming Saturday, January 11th, at my Director’s home – and hoping that I sell them – and will then make more.

I made several packs of 4 out of various remnant materials that I purchased.  I will see what the reaction is and which types might be better accepted by the Consultants.  I made several for my own Case and am testing to see which materials might work better than others – and it’s also a ‘personal preference’ as far as anyone’s personal style.

Here are the ones I’ve made so far –  Pinks and Grays are the current Cookie Lee Colors!
They are 4 for $20 - 2 for $10 - You can mix and match the sets I make.

Pink silk shantung

Pink Sparkle Corduroy

Pink Fleece

Burgundy Satin

Gray Satin

Gray Tweed Polyester

Gray Fleece

Pink Silk Shantung/Gray Tweed Polyester

Burgundy/Gray Satin

We’ll see how they are ‘received’ on Saturday – and whether I will be going into the Pillow Business, also!  I promise - I haven't cried on any of these!!   Thanks for stopping by – Come again soon!   

Please visit my Cookie Lee Personal Webpage!    You can see all of the Catalogs and fabulous Jewelry there and then contact me to order for you!  You can have a fun Party, if you are ‘local to me’  - or you can have a Catalog Party and receive the Hostess Credits if you’re not close to me – or you can have a Fundraiser, also!  Let me know if I can help with any of this for you.    
Please visit my Cookie Lee Facebook Page and Pinterest Page, too!

Be sure to come back here often as I showcase other Paper Crafted Projects and  Digital Photo Restorations that I make – several days each week.  Sign up to receive my Posts so you’ll know when I’ve posted something – usually 3 to 4 times weekly.  The second Monday of each month is the Silhouette Challenge - Other days may be other projects! 

Check out my Tabs in the Header above to see what else I do and can do for you!  Let me know if you have questions on anything here – or if I can do anything for You!  Have a Great Week!  See you again soon!

B’Bye!  -  Bye!  -  B’Bye – Bye! – B’Bye!
(You can take the Gal out of the Sky, but You can’t take the Sky out of the Gal!)  ;-}